Physical Therapy for Scoliosis

National Physical Therapy Month
October 3, 2017
carpal tunnel syndrome
Physical Therapy and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
October 20, 2017

Scoliosis is a serious medical condition even though it may not present any painful symptoms. The curvature of the spine will cause a variety of effects on the body, such as a feeling of unevenness, a tilting of the shoulders, an uneven waistline, and other issues. As scoliosis progresses, it can result in pain with certain movements and can limit flexibility and mobility. Though the most extreme cases may require surgery, virtually all cases of scoliosis can be treated with physical therapy. At Movement Concepts Physical Therapy in Garden City, Rockville Centre, and Bayside, we have worked with many scoliosis patients to help them achieve the best recovery possible, and we can help you to do the same!

Physical Therapy for scoliosis can use several different treatment approaches to help relieve symptoms and slow the progress of the condition. Some treatments that may be used to help you and other Nassau County and Queens patients with your scoliosis include:

  • Range of motion exercises: working to lessen movement impairments
  • Functional training: working to assess movements and how to manage them
  • Hands-on therapy: massaging, stretching, or gently mobilizing the body
  • Ice or heat therapy: applying cold or heat can reduce inflammation/ promote blood flow
  • Electrical stimulation: pulsing a gentle electrical current through muscles
  • Strength training: working to develop or restore a balance of strength across the body

Physical therapy is a non-invasive, proven, healthy way to treat scoliosis. You will experience relief from the most noticeable symptoms of the condition, and you will be able to better understand your body and how to manage it moving forward. Scoliosis doesn’t have to define your life. We will develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your needs, and we will help you to start working towards a better, more functional future! Contact us at Movement Concepts Physical Therapy in Garden City today!


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