Physical Therapy for Tendonitis

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Physical Therapy for Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a condition in which a tendon, the tissue which connects the muscles to the bones, becomes inflamed. It can occur anywhere tendons are found but is most common in the knee, wrist, heel, elbow, and shoulder. Tendon injuries occur when your tendon is not able to withstand the amount of work you performed. For instance, changing the way your body has been moving, thus putting extra stress on the tendon. Essentially, your tendon is being overused. When your tendon becomes inflamed, you may experience swelling, pain, and soreness for a few days to a week. Sometimes, the tendon can get past the inflammation on its own, but when it fails to do so, it may lead to cellular changes making it difficult to withstand repetitive or hard tasks. If you have been experiencing continuous flare-ups and pain, contact our physical therapy near Garden City to understand how we can be of help with your tendonitis.


What are the signs and symptoms?

When a tendon attaches to a bone, you may experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Pain — often a “dull” ache, especially when moving the affected area

Visit our physical therapy near Garden City if you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms.


What are the causes?

Tendonitis may be caused by a sudden injury, but is more likely to stem from the repetitive motion of a particular movement. Most individuals develop tendonitis from their jobs or hobbies which include repetitive motions; this puts a stress on the tendons. This is why proper technique is crucial for repetitive movements. Improper technique can lead to tendonitis when you overload the tendon during these movements.


How can I treat tendonitis?

The goals of tendonitis treatment are to restore movement without pain in the affected areas and maintain strength in the surrounding muscles while allowing the tissues to heal properly. Returning too quickly to the activity which caused the tendonitis can lead to bigger problems such as chronic overuse tendinopathy or torn tendons.

An immediate treatment option recommended by doctors and physical therapists is R.I.C.E. – rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the affected tendon. Your physician may also recommend anti-inflammatory medication to relieve inflammation or pain. A physical therapist may suggest an exercise plan that allows the tendon to rest while strengthening the nearby muscle groups; exercising the tendon itself will be a gradual process. He/she may include eccentric exercises which gradually strengthen the muscle while stretching, but stop the exercise at the first sign of pain. With your doctor’s or physical therapists approval, you may try these simple stretching exercises.

Tendonitis may make work or beloved activities difficult and uncomfortable. With a personalized physical therapy program from Movement Concepts Physical Therapy near Garden City, with time and patience, you will gradually return to those activities. Be sure to complete those at-home stretches your physical therapist suggests for a faster recovery.

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